Thursday, June 25, 2009

Great Commission Task Force

The SBC this week approved as expected the formation of the Great Commission Task Force. It looks like a pretty good group, although I wonder if it is truly representative of the entire SBC. A couple of thoughts come to mind when I look over the list. First, there is no one from the mid-west (I don't think Kentucky is considered mid-west). Ronnie Floyd is as close as you get in Springdale, Arkansas. There are five members from Florida!

As usual, the super-church/very large church is represented the most. As far as I can tell (and I could be wrong), Mike Orr of First Baptist Chipley, Florida, is the only pastor of what I would call a medium size Baptist Church. By the way, I don't know Mike but I know FBC. I served in the Chipley area for over five years and FBC is a good congregation. There are no small churches represented as far as I can tell. I'm not sure of the membership/attendance of St. Andrew's in Panama City, but I know it wouldn't be termed small. Five of the members are denominational and three are educators.

I'm not sure what this group will be able to do, but I'm looking forward to hearing from them.

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