Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Thomas on Adultery

Cal Thomas' recent column on the Sanford 'affair' is insightful and should be read and thought about. Note a couple of paragraphs:

One can make excuses about power and loneliness and starting out as a friendship that develops into something else, as Gov. Sanford rambled on about, but one can’t explain adultery. It is what it is and the person who commits it should be calling on God for mercy, not the voters for understanding.

I once asked evangelist Billy Graham if he experienced temptations of the flesh when he was young. He said, “of course.” How did he deal with them? With passion he responded, “I asked God to strike me dead before He ever allowed me to dishonor Him in that way.” That is the kind of seriousness one needs to overcome the temptations of a corrupt culture in which shameful behavior is too often paraded in the streets.

Read the column; it will cause you to pause and ask for God's help and mercy.

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