Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Church Graveyards

Russell Moore has written a fine article on church graveyards. You might want to read it.


I served two churches with graveyards. One of them on two sides of our church building! I always thought it was good reminder to us that we are here today and gone tomorrow!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

One More from the Meeting

We had a lot of help during the WMU meeting. The folks standing were our Faiview committee chairs. They did an excellent job!!

WMU Recognition

Lesa is being congratulated by Evelyn Blount on the great job she did coordinating our church's efforts. We had almost 700 registered for the meeting.


We were fortunate to reaquaint with Gordon Fort, VP of Overseas Operations at the International Mission Board. Gordon spoke on both Friday and Saturday and especially challenged our hearts.


Among the several great speakers during the meeting was Geoffrey Hammond, president of the North American Mission Board.

WMU State Meeting #1

Last weekend Fairview hosted the South Carolina WMU State Meeting. Lesa put it together and did a great job. Here she is with Evelyn Blount, State WMU Executive Director. Evelyn is retiring and was honored several times during the meeting.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Gay Marriage

The New York Times is reporting that gay couples are pushing hard for "marriage,' not being satisfied with the term 'civil unions.'


The Times reports concerning a Connecticut case: "The case turns on whether same-sex couples should be treated as a “suspect class” — groups like minorities and women that have experienced discrimination — which could lead to heightened legal scrutiny of the decision to offer separate institutions. In oral arguments before a Supreme Court panel, the assistant attorney general said the number of “prominent politicians who are openly gay and lesbian” proves that homosexuals are not “politically powerless,” one of the requirements of a suspect class; that caused one justice to quip, “If it were true political power,” they would have already won the right to marry."

Watch this one as the battle over the definition of marriage continues.

Faith in Great Britian

This story about the faith amoung Brits should alarm you.


If we're not careful; this is the US soon.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Home School

There was a California appeals court ruling against homeschooling last week that has people buzzing. Check out the following from Al Mohler:


Where are we going when only the state can teach a child? Doesn't a parent have the right to determine how a child is educated? Only in California.