Saturday, January 26, 2008

Hills to Die On

An old preacher told me years ago that I must be careful and choose my battles in ministry very carefully. I had a similar conversation with a fellow minister this week. He asked what were the hills I would die on in ministry. There are only three. First is the doctrinal hill. My basic theological convictions are non-negotiables. Second is the ethical hill. Clear ethical mandates from Scripture must be upheld no matter who or what the circumstances. Third is the church purpose/ministry hill. If something threatens the overall purpose and ministry of the church as a whole, I would be ready for battle. A pastor must defend the flock against those who threaten unity, purpose, and overall ministry.

So there are my three hills. In other areas I believe there may be room for negotiation and even compromise along the lines of Paul who wrote that he would become all things to all people so he might save some [1 Cor 9:22].

Thursday, January 17, 2008

One More Snow Pic

Steph talked me in to some pics in the snow. No school and no work-what a great day!

Snow in Carolina

Today was snow in Carolina Day. Even Seniors in High School love them!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Missouri Gideons

Gideons in the South Iron School District in Missouri are no longer allowed to distribute Bibles--not in the classroom, lunchroom, before, or after school. The 8th US Circuit Court of Appeals granted a permanent injunction on a suit filed by the ACLU two years ago. Four sets of parents sued the school district. Quoting the Washington Post, "The parents who sued are Christian but believe religious beliefs should be taught in the home, not school." Wow! Can you imagine Christians suing the school district over Bible distribution? It seems like an oxymoron to me.

I remember getting a Gideon Bible in elementary school years ago. I didn't know the Lord; my family did not go to church too often. I don't remember it so bothering my conscious that my parents wanted to throw Bibles out of the schools. I still have the Bible in my desk drawer.

One of these days God will finally tire of the United States of America constantly nudging Him out of the country. I'm thankful for His patience, but the Scriptures are clear that God will not always be patient toward a rebellious people.

My prayer is that the ruling in Missouri will be overturned.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Happy Birthday Elvis!

I know I'm a day late, but shouldn't Elvis' birthday be a national holiday? Just musing.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Fairview Staff

We are blessed with a great staff at Fairview! Here is the group at our recent Christmas party. There are a couple of folks not here, but by and large this is it.