Monday, May 22, 2006

Last Sermon

Well the last sermons were preached yesterday at Riverside. I had blogged earlier that I always struggle with knowing just what to preach on last Sundays. The Lord led me to Ephesians 4:1-16. I challenged the church to "walk worthy of the calling." That calling, of course, is God's call of salvation, explained by Paul in chapters 1-3 of Ephesians.

Basically, the message has two major thoughts. First, walk worthy by keeping the unity of the church [vv. 2-6]. That is done by living right in relation to one another [vv. 2-3]. Unity is important because it is a portrait to the world of the unity of the Trinity [vv. 4-6]. Second, walk worthy by contributing to church growth [vv. 7-16]. God has provided for the growth of the church by giving spiritual gifts to all believers and to the church corporately. The goal of growth is that we all become like Jesus [v. 13]. The result of growth is a mature church that is doctrinally stable [vv. 14-16].

When a pastor leaves, the church is usually challenged in the above two ways--unity and spiritual growth. This message, I believe, is the one God wanted our church to hear on my last day.

I didn't know it until I looked more deeply into my files, but I preached vv. 1-6 of this passage on my last day at Heckscher Drive Baptist Church in Jacksonville, FL ten years ago. This must be an appropriate passage for this occasion.


Robert Conn said...

Dr. Patton, CBD has the "Word Studies in the Greek NT" 4 volume set by Kenneth Wuest for a good sale price. Would you recommend these?

P.S. Hope the move goes smoothly

Robert Conn

Steve Patton said...

Yes Robert I would. Wuest does have some good insights. You mentioned a good price---since it's on sale I'd get it.