Monday, April 24, 2006

Baptists and Public Schools

I read over the weekend that a group of Baptist leaders called on its members to 'speak positively about public education' in response to a movement to pull children out of public schools. It seems 56 pastors and organizational leaders signed a letter supporting public schools and posted it on the website of the Baptist Center for Ethics. The letter states in part that it is wrong for church leaders to urge their congregations to abandon public schools in favor of homeschooling or private Christian academies.

I have never made a statement from the pulpit about this issue, nor do I plan to. I recognize the absolute sovereignty of parents to make the decision about their child's education. God has given each of us a very short-term stewardship over our kids, and parents must do what they believe is God's will in this matter. My wife and I have sent out children to public schools. We believe Christian kids are needed in schools as "salt and light." By and large, we believe we have gotten good results. My son graduates in May and my daughter is a 10th grader. Both are great Christian kids who have had influence among their peers. Our decision was the right one. I would never tell a parent who decided on another course that their's was the wrong one.

I have disagreed with attempts to pass a resolution at recent Southern Baptist Conventions which held up homeschooling over public education. I also disgaree with statments such as the one publicized over the weekend. Parents should pray and allow the Lord to lead them on this issue, keeping the best intersts of their children in mind. Church leaders should stay out of it.

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