Thursday, July 30, 2009

Church of What's Happening Now

Cal Thomas has an excellent editorial, published in Wednesday's Greenville News that you should read: "Church of What's Happening Now Embraces Everything." It deals with the recent decision of the Episcopal Church to end the ban on the ordination of gay bishops and permit marriage 'blessings' for same-sex couples. The denomination explains the decision is to stem the exodus from their church by embracing a new doctrine they call 'inclusivity' which they hope will attract young people.

Thomas rightly criticizes the decision as having nothing to do with the foundational truths set forth in Scripture. Thomas writes, The church is inclusive only for those who are adopted by faith into God's family. There are more biblical references to this than there is room to cite here, but for the Episcopal leadership, biblical references no longer have power to persuade, much less compel them to conform. That's because Episcopal leadership denied the teachings of Scripture, in for of, well, inclusivity, a word that appears nowhere in Scripture. Even if it did, Episcopal heretics--for that is what they are--would choose another word to make them feel more comfortable, since accommodation with the world seems to be a more important objective than the favor of God.

Thank God for men like Cal Thomas, who still write/speak the truth. By the way, Thomas takes time in the article to also criticize Jimmy Carter, who also embraces same-sex civil unions.

An Episcopalian priest was a neighbor of mine in Texas. His church, along with several others in the state, had pulled out of the denomination over this issue. This man believed the Word and would not stand for compromise. There are many God-fearing, Bible believing Episcopalians who do not support this kind of rebellion against God. Thank God for them too!

By the way I went to to find the column but did not--apparently it has not been posted yet. However on his site are archived columns and comments.

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