Friday, December 16, 2005

The Christmas War

There has been much said and written the last few weeks about the so-called "Christmas War." You know, whether "Happy Holidays" has replaced "Merry Christmas," and that sort of thing. There is a great column this morning in the Fort Worth Star Telegram from Cal Thomas. You need to read it.

My own thoughts on the subject were recently sent to those who receive my twice-weely devotion "Got Purpose?" It read as follows:

I have to admit to a little bit of anger recently as I watched a news story on one of our Dallas/Ft. Worth T.V. stations. In essence, it had to do with whether we should call our decorations this time of year Christmas or "Holiday" decorations. Should we call it a Christmas tree of a "Holiday" tree? Well that pretty much set me over the edge. For years now I've watched the PC [politically correct] crowd bombard us with their "religion." Theirs is a colorless, void philosophy that wishes to make us believe that all religions are the same and not one in particular is truth. As a matter of fact, for the PC crowd, there is no truth except in the opinion of each individual.
While I was still smoldering over all this, and as I was preparing to preach last Sunday, I came across this verse: "We know we are of God, and the whole world is under the sway of the evil one" [1 John 5:19]. I began to think about this verse, and God put all this PC stuff in perspective. The Holy Spirit began to speak to my heart: "You shouldn't be surprised that the world wants to leave "Christ" out of Christmas. The world always leaves My Son out of the picture because it is under Satan's influence. But you don't. As long as you're here and other Christians are here, there will always be "Christ" in Christmas."
I think what the Lord was telling me was that there is no need to be upset about the "Christmas" tree/"Holiday" tree debate. The world will likely win it anyway. But as long as God's people are on this earth, the season will never be void of its true meaning.
Let the world do what it does. As for me and my house, we'll still put up a Christmas tree and Christmas decorations, thanking God for His unspeakable gift to us all.

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