Thursday, September 11, 2008

Stop Signs, Stop Lights, and Pride

Well it happened again this morning. Each morning as I drive to work I come to a three-way stop sign that is usually pretty busy around Greer High School. The car on my left had just gotten out of the way, the car in front of me went, and thus it was my turn right? Oh no! The person behind the car in front of me decided to do a rolling stop and turn left in front of me. This kind of thing happens every day.

Of course no one stops at red lights any more. A few days ago three cars turned left in front of traffic after our light had turned green. I was in the front car along with another vehicle to my left. We both honked, but the last of the illegal turners gave us a look and a gesture. He was talking on his cell phone, probably with no idea that the light had even turned.

Why is it that folks won't wait their turn at stop signs and have the need to run a red light? The issue is pride. The thought is, "My time is more important;" "Where I have to go is more important." "I didn't get up early enough to be on time so now that I'm late I'm more important." We could go on and on but the point is made.

The foundational sin is pride. Pride simply means that "me, myself, and I" are the three most important people in my life--everyone else is secondary. Pride is ruling the roost on the roadways, and it's going to get people hurt and killed.

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