Monday, October 02, 2006

Vines on Islam

I thought you'd like this from Jerry Vines, who has had lots of experience in dealing with criticism of Islam. I think he can sypathize with the Pope.


So what else is new?
Pat Robertson tells the truth about Islam and muslims are "outraged."

Franklin Graham tells the truth about Islam and muslims are "irate."

Jerry Falwell tells the truth about Islam and muslims are "angry."

I tell the truth about Islam's founder and muslims are "offended."

Now, the Pope has "offended" the muslims yet again. Pope Benedict XVI, in a speech last week a Germany's Regensburg University, said that the only thing Muhammad brought that was new was "only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." Keep in mind Islam has a standard procedure when they are "offended." They riot in the streets, burn churches, and kill people.

Sister Leonella, a 65-year-old nun was ambushed and shot just days after the Pope's remarks. Their reaction actually proved the point of the quotation the Pope cited. The Pope is trying to distance himself from his remark. He says he was quoting someone else and is "deeply sorry for the reactions in some countries a few passages of my address were considered offensive." (Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 9-18)

If a cartoon "offends" them, they riot, burn churches and kill people. The pattern is always the same.

Now, here is the question - were the Pope's statements true? And those of Jerry Falwell, Franklin Graham, Pat Robertson and myself? Any fair-minded reader of Islam's tenets and anyone familiar with Islam's history will have to say, yes. But, we must not "offend" the muslims by telling the truth.

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