Monday, October 02, 2006

Case of the Missing Remote

Have you ever lost something, and you would not rest until that something was found? It happened to us this weekend when we lost our TiVo remote. It was lost sometime on Saturday afternoon. We looked high and low. We looked under and above. We completely gutted the living room--no remote. We all went to sleep on Saturday night with one question: Where is the remote? All day Sunday. No remote. Sunday night. No remote.

Finally, just after 1am this morning--Lesa found it. It was caught inside her recliner. We had looked. We had put our hands down the filthy back and sides of the recliner [isn't it disgusting how bad those get?] . She didn't find it until early this morning, exhausted from the search, she leaned far enough back in the recliner to feel something strange. She back down on her hands and knees and reached deeply into the leaning recliner--there it was!

How did it get there? Who put it there? I'm blaming the dog. But no matter--the case of the missing remote is solved. All is right in our world. We can surf our channels without getting out of the chair again. PTL!

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