Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Same Thing No Matter Where You Go

While in Honduras, I was part of an interesting conversation with one of our translators, Omar. Omar is called to ministry and has done some pastoral work and lots of evangelistic work in his country. We were told while there that it was very hard to reach young people in Honduras. When we asked Omar that question, he simply laughed. His response, "It's hard for churches who won't change." Then he began telling us about churches that are willing to change from its traditional music and dress to more contemporary modes of both. Those churches are reaching young people for Christ.

I laughed too beause that's just what we're talking about in America. The bottom line: if a church won't change it will die. Period! It makes no difference if that church is in Honduras or in South Carolina. Traditional churches need to understand that if they won't change, all they can look forward to is a slow death.

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