Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Jeremiah's World and Ours

I've begun reading Jeremiah in my devotional time and when I got to chatper 2, verses 27-28 jumped off the page:

27 say to a tree: You are my father, and to a stone: You gave birth to me. For they have turned their back to Me and not their face, but in their time of disaster they beg: Rise up and save us! 28 But where are your gods you made for yourself? Let them rise up and save you in your time of disaster if they can, for your gods are as numerous as your cities, Judah. Jeremiah 2:27-28 (HCSB)

Jeremiah's world was not different than ours. How often we serve our idols but when we get in trouble we turn to God and ask that He get us out of it. Yet God asks, "Why can't the idols you serve get you out of trouble?"

Far too often people turn their backs on God, not really giving Him much of a place in their lives. Yet they go to church on Sunday, going through the relgious motions and cry out to God when the heat is turned up in their lives. We shouldn't expect God to come to the rescue; He won't.

God save us from this kind of hypocrisy.

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