Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Attentive Life

As mentioned earlier, I had the chance to catch up on some reading on my recent vacation. The best book I read was The Attentive Life by Leighton Ford. For Ford, the great sin Christians commit is that of inattention to God and what He is doing in your life. Ford writes: "We live in an age of continuous partial attention." This partial attention is a major hindrance in our relationship to God because it is sin. He quotes the Quaker writer Douglas Steere: "For prayer is awakeness, attention, intense inward openness. In a certain way sin could be described . . . as anything that destroys this attention" [26]. Ford's solution--practice in some way the Benedictine Hours, from Vigils to Compline. For the author, these divine hours are not just for one's day but for one's life.

The book then is structured along the "Hours." In each chapter there is a description of the "Hour," a biblical/devotional development of it, and an example of one "Who Paid Attention."

If distraction is the primary problem of most believers (and I agree that it is), then this book is at least a partial remedy. Some salient quotes:
  • The true mystics . . . are not those who contemplate holiness in isolation, reaching godlike illumination in serene silence, but those who manage to find God in a world filled with noise, the demands of other people and making a living [quoting Kathleen Norris].
  • The great irony of our wired age of communication is that many of our children are growing up information rich and imigination poor.
  • To pray without ceasing is not to think about God rather than other things, or to talk to God instead of to other people, but rather to think, speak and live in the presence of God [quoting Henri Nouwen].
  • Love is focused attention.
  • Hurry is the great enemy of life in the Spirit.
  • Ruthlessly eliminate hurry! [The key to keeping the 'fast lane' from ruining one's spiritual life]
  • Death, some small, some huge, may be God's way of bringing transformation and new life.

You get the idea. There are many quotes and scriptural references that bring life to this book. Ford has written something we all need. He is calling for something we all need to do. We all need to slow down and pay attention to the One who always pays attention to us. You need to read this one!

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