Monday, October 08, 2007

Mission Statement & Core Values

It has been popular for several years now for churches to come up with mission/vision and core value statements. I believe both can be helpful to define a church. I officially unveiled our new statements yesterday.

Missions statements should be short and to the point. Ours is: "The purpose of Fairview Baptist Church is to make disciples." When you get right down to it, this is the reason churches are in business. Our core values undergird the mission statement and call attention to how we'll carry it out. First, we value Scripture. Obviously everything a church does must be based upon the truths of God's Word. Second, we value celebrative worship. The word "celebrative" is used to remind us that we are to love God with everything that's in us. Third, we value relational evangelism and discipleship. "Relational" is important because both evangelism and discipleship are best done through building relationships.

Our church's purpose then is to make disciples. We do that through building relationships with lost people and an effort to win them to Christ, assimilating those won into small-groups to learn about Christ and His will, continually celebrating the goodness and grace of God through worship, and building a foundation under all of us that is Scripture based.

A strong church can be built on these principles!

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