Saturday, January 20, 2007


I was shocked to learn this week that over 3,000 churches, both Protestant and Catholic, close each year. That's roughly 60 per week. While many close because the community around them has dwindled to nothing, there may be one factor that has helped close the doors than any other: factions. I believe factionalism is the great church killer.

Paul dealt with many issues troubling the church at Corinth, but the one that took up the most space gets to the heart of their problem of the great church killer. The church was divided between the great personalities of Paul, Cephas [Peter], Apollos, and even Jesus. It was factionalism that was at the heart of the other problems within the congregation, and the one that was potentially the most fatal.

Why is there factionalism in the church? Paul knew. Factionalism occurs when the church misunderstands the gospel, misunderstands ministry, and is plain ol' prideful.

What was Paul's prescription? It was the cross. If you read chapters 1-4 of 1 Corinthians, you are immediately struck by the emphasis upon the cross. For Paul it was simple--when a congregation's focus was upon the cross, there would be no room for factions. It is the cross that unifies a congregation. It is the cross that brings together so many personalities and backgrounds under one great purpose.

Simple isn't it? In a day when churches and denominations are divided, my prescription is the same as Paul's--focus upon the cross. Glory only in the cross. Preach only the cross. Let the cross of Christ be the rallying point and God will bind us together with one mind and one soul.

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