In Matthew's Gospel you can see the answers to that question--the same answers which are given by and large today.
- He is a Prophet [v. 11]--This is a partial but inadequate answer. Jesus was a prophet [Matt 16:14; Luke 13:33], but the Scriptures teach more than that--He is the God/Man [Matt 1:23].
- He is a Threat--Certainly He was a threat to the religious leaders [21:15-16; 26:3-4]. He is still a threat today. To believe in Jesus means to believe what the Bible says about Him and about you.
- He is a Disappointment--He was a disappointment to Judas [26:6-16] as well as the crowds [27:23b]. He was not who they thought He was. Today as well people misunderstand who Jesus is and become disappointed when He doesn't "measure up" or "perform" to their expectations.
- He is a Mystery--Pilate didn't know what to think about Jesus [27:14]. He was a mystery. I admit, it is impossible to fully explain the person and work of Christ. He is, however, no mystery. The four Gospels reveal Him, Acts tells us how He affected the early church, the letters explain more fully His life and work, and Revelation tells us of His complete victory and Lordship.
- He is an Embarassment--That seems to be the reaction of the crowd around the cross [27:39-40]. How can one who claimed to be the Son of God die on a cross? Consider 1 Corinthians 1:18-25.
- He is Savior--Here you must go to Luke 23:40-43. To the dying thief, Jesus was more than a prophet, was no threat, no disappointment, no mystery, and no embarrassment. He was Savior. "He saves to the uttermost those who come to God through Him" [Hebrews 7:25].
Who is Jesus to you?
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