Thursday, January 12, 2006

What's Wrong With Sports?

A couple of recent incidents show what is wrong with big time sports. Sean Taylor of the Washington Redskins was thrown out of last week's game after he spit in the face of an opponent. The NFL fined him only $17,000 for the incident, and there will be no suspensions. I don't understand either. The fine is only "chump change" for a guy in the NFL, and there should be an immediate suspension of at least one game. I know they are in a playoff run, but wouldn't that send the message-- that kind of behavior is unacceptable?

Then there is Marcus Vick. The now former Virginia Tech quarterback was kicked off the team a few days ago because of numerous incidents. Now he has been arrested after allegedly brandishing a gun at several people. Just before that incident he told reporters he wasn't concerned about Virginia Tech's decision; "I'll just go to the next level." The sad part is that he's probably right. Some NFL team will draft him in spite of his problems.

If you are good, it doesn't seem to matter what you do. If you are good, you can break the law or be a major problem, and everyone looks the other way. What kind of message does this send? It sends the message the winning is everything.

The "winning is everything" philosophy is not just an NFL problem. It goes right down the line through college, high school, middle school, and even little league. I'm all for winning but not at the cost of character. Doesn't that matter too?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who gets the money from the fines? The NFL doesn't need the suggestion: give the money to local churches...then let them spit all they want!